Tuesday, March 17, 2009


I left a comment on Dyversity's blog about immigration called The Great Movement. I think this issue is of real importance because as we speak Texas is attempting to build a fence along the Mexican border in order to keep out illegal immigrants. I think everyone should check out this post because it has relevance to our lives now. Immigration is a major issue and I think for the most part it is fine as long as it is done legally.

Monday, March 16, 2009


I left a comment on azninvasion's blog Southern Millionaires. I think that a lot of what he says is true about SMU students' incredible amounts of wealth. I think SMU is a hard surface to crack. You have to move beyond the exterior stereotype and look around to find people who are real and understanding of the value of money. I think everyone should check it out because it is definitely a topic that is a part our everyday lives.

Missing Item: Paper Towels

If you were to name items essential to a bathroom they would probably include toilets, sinks, showers, soap, and toilet paper. These items can all be found in the SMU community baths, but they seem to have left out one key ingredient, paper towels! Paper towels are essential to a bathroom and I realize that the school is making a move towards a greener world, but how can they cut out such an essential item?

Let me just say that there are thousands of ways this school could create a greener environment without sacrificing such a crucial item. Might I point out the fact that the school prints dozens of copies of the Daily Campus, which I have yet to even pick up. Thus, daily they waste paper on something that most students have never even read, when they could in turn email out a copy or just have a website. I also want to add that SMU allows Park n’ Pony to motor around in those gas powered carts. I mean look at the amount of fuel wasted and air polluted in that case. I’m sorry, but I will walk for paper towels.

I think it is only right for me to point out some of the ways paper towels are essential. Well, the most obvious reason is for drying your hands after washing them. First, paper towels are not only convenient, but they actually dry your hands! The air dryers just move the water around and then people touch their nasty wet hands to the bathroom door so when you go to open it you get a nice wet surprise. Second, I think that is important to note that most people are too lazy to use the air dryers that they just don’t wash their hands because it is such a hassle. If this isn’t gross enough then SMU should look at the flu epidemic that plagued the school at the beginning of the semester. It probably could have been prevented with a little more hand washing.

SMU, we need paper towels. How can we live on such a luxurious campus and not have such a basic item? I’ll walk, turn off my lights, and read articles online, if I can just have them back.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

18 v. 21: The Legal Drinking Age

It’s Spring Break! Yes, finally a time to kick back, relax, and take a little time to myself. For many, spring break is the chance to be wild and outrageous. Most of the SMU students seem to be flocking to Mexico: Puerto Vallarta, Cancun, and Cabo. What makes Mexico such a hot spot for college students? Ah, well it’s the legal drinking age. After seeing friends enjoying a rowdy spring break, fueled by alcohol, I started thinking about the issue of whether or not the US should lower the drinking age?

In my opinion I think that the drinking age should be kept at 21. Many college students present the argument that at 18 years of age they are considered adults, but cannot purchase nor consume alcohol. Despite the large percentage of underage drinkers, I think that the drinking age should be kept at 21 because it prevents many unnecessary deaths. When you look around see college kids partying in Mexico and hear the horror stories of alcohol poisoning, drunk driving and other events resulting from poor decision making (kidnapping, rape, etc.), it is enough to see that people who are 18 are not mature enough to handle their alcohol.

If you look at the number one cause for car accidents in America you will find that teenage drivers are the reason. If you permit these newly legal youngsters to buy and consume alcohol, you will see a huge increase in the number of alcohol related collisions. In addition, if you look at the number of people who die from alcohol poisoning or are hospitalized for it each year, you’ll find the majority are under 21. I think this is enough proof to show that the barely legal need time to mature before given the privilege of alcohol, not only for their own safety but for the safety of others. If this isn’t enough to convince America to keep the drinking age at 21, then take a look at some of the insanity that goes on in Mexico, while the college students are away.