Monday, March 16, 2009

Missing Item: Paper Towels

If you were to name items essential to a bathroom they would probably include toilets, sinks, showers, soap, and toilet paper. These items can all be found in the SMU community baths, but they seem to have left out one key ingredient, paper towels! Paper towels are essential to a bathroom and I realize that the school is making a move towards a greener world, but how can they cut out such an essential item?

Let me just say that there are thousands of ways this school could create a greener environment without sacrificing such a crucial item. Might I point out the fact that the school prints dozens of copies of the Daily Campus, which I have yet to even pick up. Thus, daily they waste paper on something that most students have never even read, when they could in turn email out a copy or just have a website. I also want to add that SMU allows Park n’ Pony to motor around in those gas powered carts. I mean look at the amount of fuel wasted and air polluted in that case. I’m sorry, but I will walk for paper towels.

I think it is only right for me to point out some of the ways paper towels are essential. Well, the most obvious reason is for drying your hands after washing them. First, paper towels are not only convenient, but they actually dry your hands! The air dryers just move the water around and then people touch their nasty wet hands to the bathroom door so when you go to open it you get a nice wet surprise. Second, I think that is important to note that most people are too lazy to use the air dryers that they just don’t wash their hands because it is such a hassle. If this isn’t gross enough then SMU should look at the flu epidemic that plagued the school at the beginning of the semester. It probably could have been prevented with a little more hand washing.

SMU, we need paper towels. How can we live on such a luxurious campus and not have such a basic item? I’ll walk, turn off my lights, and read articles online, if I can just have them back.


  1. They DO have a website. I'll put a link to it on the links page in Blackboard.

  2. While I agree with Bon Qui Qui for the most part, there are a few things that I would like to point out as well.

    I have noticed how people don’t wash their hands because of the inconvenience of the hand dryers and I agree that it is disgusting. Also, I admit that I don’t dry my hands with the hand dryer I wait until I’m back in my room and I can use my own towel to dry my hands. Like we discussed in class, our generation likes convenience and efficiency and I don’t find hand driers to be either of those things.

    But, unlike Bon Qui Qui said, hand driers are actually not more energy efficient than paper towels are. I did not know this until first semester but it shocked me when I found out. It actually takes more energy to power hand driers than it does to make paper towels. In hall counsel we discussed getting paper towel dispensers for the bathrooms at McElvaney but RLSH will not because it is an additional cost each month and the maintenance staff has to refill them. So it’s not so much the school worried about the environment as it is that the school does not want to deal with one more bill and chores for the maintenance staff.

    Also, the golf carts do not run on gas, they are battery powered. So I don’t think that the school is careless for the environment in that aspect because they could be riding around in cars instead.

    I do agree with Bon Qui Qui though that there is definitely a need for paper towels and whenever I find a bathroom that has them I rejoice! And when I go home having the simple pleasure of washing my hands with out walking 20 yards is very nice as well.

  3. I loved this and I agree with you completely. Dryers are environmentally friendly but they are loud and disruptive. I also agree with you on the issue of printing so many unused copies of the daily campus. It is a waste. You gave good reasons, and I didn’t get board reading it.

  4. I agree with Bon Qui Qui completely. Bathrooms need paper towels, they're just an essential item you can't really live without. I also thought the hand dryers were for environmental reasons. It really surprised me when Katie said "it actually takes more energy to power hand driers than it does to make paper towels." I was alright living with the driers if it meant helping the environment, but since it doesn't even do that, I want my paper towels! It seems to me that the paper towels would ensure a greener and healthier environment for students, so SMU should submit to this minor demand.

  5. I see no reason for paper towels. If they added them, can you imagine the number of them that would end up on the floor or counters? I see nothing nasty about the door getting wet from someone's hands. At least that means that they washed their hands. I see so many women leave restrooms without washing it's disgusting. Thats what causes people to get sick - not touching something wetted with clean water.

    Also about energy efficiency, Katie said it uses less energy to MAKE paper towels. But that probably is to make them out of trees, not recycled paper. The point is to be environmentally friendly. That means possibly sacrificing some electricity to save trees.

    There are many ways of creating energy without using resources, but it's difficult to grow new trees constantly.

  6. Yes i went to visit my friend in mo-mac and when i went to the restroom to wash my hand not only was i surprised by this but the handle was covered in some hideous goo. So i was forced to used tissue paper to just open the door then use my friends towel to dry my hands. I think SMU can find many other ways to save money, but not have paper towel is essential to drying, cleanliness, and overall health issues with spreading viruses and bacteria.
